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Qualcuno sa dov'é finito?? (Motion X GPS)

GPS, CB, VHF, UHF, Trip master, Terratrip ....

Messaggioil 26/05/2020, 7:59

Sto cercando dove fare download di Motion X, per un nuovo device, ma trovo di tutto (blogs, forums, FAQ's, etc) ma non il website della azienda. Nemmeno su App Store. Forse comincio a mostrare evidenti segni di rincoglionimento senile. Qualcuno del Forum ha il link? Grazie
non avvicinatevi al mio Disco ..... morde!!
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Messaggi: 251
Iscritto il: 22/04/2007, 12:31
Località: Fra Kerkyra (Corfù), Atene, Roma e Correggio (R.E.)

Messaggioil 26/05/2020, 13:11

Io ce l’ho sul telefono, ma non carica più le mappe...
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Messaggi: 38
Iscritto il: 13/02/2012, 19:12
Località: Viareggio

Messaggioil 30/05/2020, 15:27

Ho dunque chiesto direttamente a loro, qui é la spiegazione ...

Hi Marco,

Thank you for contacting the MotionX® support team. After years of offering a top-rated GPS app for the iPhone, we have made the difficult decision to remove MotionX-GPS from the iTunes App Store. We realize MotionX-GPS has a large following but those who already own MotionX-GPS will be able to continue using it. There are some features that will no longer be supported in the app due to the infrastructure costs associated with ongoing hosting. These include:

Sharing waypoints or tracks with others via the built-in email sharing (alternative methods are available — see the attached document)
Auto Live Position Updates
Wikipedia Search
MotionX Road and MotionX Terrain map types (Apple, Google, Bing, NOAA, and custom maps will continue to be available)
By the way, you can add Thunderforst maps (the provider for MotionX maps) directly to MotionX-GPS with the Custom Map URL feature (Menu > Setup > Custom Map Types). You can also download map tiles from any custom maps you add for offline use. This feature is an add-on, which will need to be unlocked. Let us know if you'd like more information on the Custom Map URL and how to add Thunderforst maps?

Thunderforst Sign Up & URL Format for MotionX-GPS:[z]/[x]/[y].png?apikey=YOUR_UNIQUE_API_KEY
Our team’s focus has shifted to the science of non-invasive contactless bio-sensing which is helping customers worldwide in improving their sleep through sleep analysis with actionable insights. To learn more, visit and see our User Guide and FAQs. You can purchase the latest Self-Install Sleeptracker® model online from Gallery Furniture, or contact your local Tempur-Pedic® Flagship store for more information and for more options on purchasing the Tempur-Pedic® Sleeptracker® Self-Install Kit or a power base with the Sleeptracker® technology pre-installed. The Self-Install Kit can be installed on almost any existing bed.

Thank you for your understanding and please let us know if you have any questions about Sleeptracker®?

All the best,
Tom Lewin
non avvicinatevi al mio Disco ..... morde!!
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Messaggi: 251
Iscritto il: 22/04/2007, 12:31
Località: Fra Kerkyra (Corfù), Atene, Roma e Correggio (R.E.)

Messaggioil 03/06/2020, 11:16

In questi giorni sto provando Maps 3D sembra buono.
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Messaggi: 38
Iscritto il: 13/02/2012, 19:12
Località: Viareggio


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